TITLE: Masturbated With My Hubby's Mom
LOCATION: amylikesmatt - USA
AGE: 31 - 40
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I have been married to my husband for ten years. I have the MOST AMAZING mother-in-law! Vicky and I became instant friends and she has been so good to my husband and I.

She divorced my father-in-law and has had no interest in getting remarried. She loves being on her own!

Nothing is off limits between us, so I was not surprised when she invited me to a Pure Romance party. If you don’t know what those are, imagine a Tupperware party from the 90s, only they sell sex toys.

Vicky’s friend Barb was hosting the party. We drove together to her house. We spent the next two hours drinking wine and laughing our heads off. It was a blast!

I didn’t plan on buying anything. I don’t own any toys, my husband and I do just fine. But Vicky had different plans. She bought us matching vibrators.

The party ended and we headed back to her house. I was planning on getting in my car and going home, but she insisted I come in.

We got in and she unboxed her vibrator. “Get yours out,” she said, “we need to wash them.”

The instructions said to clean them before your first use. I giggled as we went to her kitchen. We cleaned and rinsed them, then Vicky went to the hall closet and returned with batteries.

“We’re going to try them,” she said. I thought she was kidding. She was not. I followed her to her bedroom. She slipped her panties from beneath her dress and got on her bed. “Let’s go Amy.”

‘Why not,’ I thought.

I took off my jeans and panties and sat next to Vicky on the bed. She handed me a small bottle of lube and began working her vibrator in. I lubed mine and did the same.

We talked as we played, comparing settings and sharing our likes and dislikes. But soon we both settled in and sat next to each other masturbating.

It was strange, but at the same time it is so much fun to have a friend to have these crazy experiences with.

We both finished, got dressed, and cleaned our vibrators again before I headed home. I had a great story to tell my husband!