TITLE: Discovering What A Moon Cup Is
LOCATION: Adorable_Fault3797 - USA
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Whilst backpacking Europe, I was on a voyage to Switzerland to for fill a promise to a late friend.

Whilst in Switzerland, my friends and I found it was ridiculously expensive, so expensive that on our tight budget, we couldn’t afford alcohol. The day after climbing one of the mountains, I was relaxing in the hostels pool when this American man came in with a beer. I don’t remember his name, so let’s call him Steve.

Steve was telling me his life story and was very open about his financial situation. We went to the local supermarket and he offered to get myself and my friends a bottle of Smirnoff.

When we all got back to the hostel that night, we were all drinking and we met these American girls. Myself and one of the girls were the only two of whom smoked. When alone outside, we were really hitting things off. After about an hour of drinking, I said, “Hey, let’s go and have a little explore”. We walked around the hotel (it was quite a rural area) and we found this bench, of which had an excellent view of the valley and was very private.

One thing leads to another and we start making out, she’s very forward and mounts me and starts grinding on me. Now at this point, she’s been talking her life in America and about lots of things I’d never heard of before. She says to me that she can’t do much as she has a moon cup… now I have no idea what this is, but I say it’s fine and we continue. I lower my shorts to my ankles and she takes her pants off under her summer dress. She’s very wet. As she’s rubbing myself on her wet pussy, she slips it in. She has a face as if she’s uncomfortable, and I must admit, something didn’t feel right…

She says to me “I can’t feel it”. At this point, I’m slightly offended. Not to blow my own trumpet, but I’m not a small guy downstairs, but I thought, somethings off, I’m only in about an inch here…

She continues, trying very hard to make this work, and she continues, “I can’t feel it, it’s very uncomfortable”. “Stop.” I said, and lift her off. “What are you talking about, what is a moon cup?”

I shit you not, as proud as anything, she puts her index finger and thumb into her vagina and pulls out a moon cup, blood goes everywhere, all down her leg, all over my shoes and shorts…

I walk her back to the hostel, it’s not very late, we both get in the shower to wash off. She starts rinsing this cup out under the shower head and I’m disgusted to say the least. (Please bear in mind, I’m 18 at the time and I’m in shock). She asks if I want to continue, and I politely decline as I’m getting a train to Berlin early the next morning.

Am I an arsehole for being so ignorant?