TITLE: Adventures In Studying
LOCATION: sexualhealing-25 - USA
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We were sitting only a few inches from each other in the library. Stolen glances chemistry that can be seen across the room. The lightest minimal touch makes me squirm with anticipation and the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge. He gets a trill from the effect he has on me. I know he is hers and not mine and I close my eyes and try to fight the rush of desperate overwhelming desire. We both feel it and fight it in our own way. I have tried everything even picturing the sweet loving way she looks at him. I would never want to disrupt his life. I just wish I didn’t crave him in such a profound way. I ache in places that I didn’t know could bring me to my knees. Studying in these circumstances is beyond pointless. His hand barely grazed mine and I can feel it to my core. His hand lingers and our eyes meet there is no going back. I walk away to the corner of the dimly lit old library and he follows. His lips meet mine and no questions are needed. I stifle my moan as I gently kiss his neck. He places his hands on my hips and guides me between a bookcase and grinds his throbbing hard dick on my warm wet crotch. He enters me with his fingers. I blush slightly realizing there is no hiding my need for him. He smiles as he frees his erection and I know I should stop as anyone could find us and it would spell disaster in so many ways but I couldn’t stop this if I tried. He stops at the lips of my pussy and rubs me with his glistening tip as if to ask for permission. My breath catches as I whisper please I need you now. He eases inside me giving me time to adjust to his impressive size. As he starts to move all sense of time place and reality is lost. All that matters in this moment is that I am coming apart and for filled in ways I didn’t know were possible and I am shaking in his arms as the pressure becomes too much and my release is found as his passionate urning kiss crashes over me. In two more thrusts is and I feel his shacking cock fill me to the brim with his load. As we are dressing and finding some sense of composure I see a small group of people heading our direction. My head is racing with a million thoughts as I feel him dripping out of me. What have I done and when can I do it again?