TITLE: Going Clothes Shopping
STORY: We were dared to go shopping for clothes without any on, he would pay if we did it. Well, we got up the nerve, but did get the clubwear store owner's permission to do it. And yes, there were people in there as well as in the parking lot and street. Hubby lo$$t, lol.
LOCATION: Hollywood, Florida, USA
AGE: 51+
You are viewing an Award winning submission of a real amateur from Watchersweb.com.

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Going Clothes Shopping #0
Hey there Ladies! It's so good to see you today ... and old mate up there in the background just quietly watching ...
Going Clothes Shopping #1
You two look like double trouble LOL
Going Clothes Shopping #2
Oh hi there mate, which one do you like?
Going Clothes Shopping #3
Going Clothes Shopping #4
You both look so comfortable and casual, just shopping naked in public. It's a beautiful thing.
Going Clothes Shopping #5
Going Clothes Shopping #6
Wahoo! This is a great little number!
Going Clothes Shopping #7
Going Clothes Shopping #8
Thank you so much ladies, for inviting us shopping with you today, and for entering our public flashing contest. Hope you love the feedback from the Watchers ... good luck with votes! :-) xxxx